What causes plantar fasciitis?

With plantar fasciitis, your plantar fascia is regularly inflamed and sore. Your plantar fascia is a thick band of connective tissues that stretches from your heel bones to your toes and supports your arches. Even though your plantar fascia can stretch and absorb shock, with years of wear-and-tear, it can become overly strained. Plantar fasciitis, which can progressively worsen, is often linked to:

  • Overuse from Training, such as distance running
  • Obesity and being overweight
  • Flat feet or high arches
  • Heel spurs

Your risk of developing plantar fasciitis further increases if you work in a field that requires you to stand or walk around all day, for example, teachers, postal workers, and factory workers, among others, especially if you wear unsupportive shoes.

Do I need to see a foot and ankle doctor for plantar fasciitis?

You don’t have to manage plantar fasciitis flare-ups on your own, even if they seem minor or infrequent. A foot and ankle doctor can perform a comprehensive exam to help confirm plantar fasciitis and rule out other conditions. We encourage you to see a foot and ankle specialist for a plantar fasciitis evaluation if you experience:

  • Heel or foot pain
  • Tenderness or swelling
  • Limited range of motion
  • Difficulty bearing weight on your feet
  • Pain that increases after periods of inactivity, such as sleeping

What plantar fasciitis treatment do I need?

If a foot and ankle doctor diagnoses you with plantar fasciitis, they will design a treatment plan which can include:

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Extracorporeal shock wave therapy
  • Custom orthotic inserts
  • Physical therapy
  • Regular icing
  • Night splints

In severe cases, arthroscopic surgery may be needed to resolve plantar fasciitis. This means minimally invasive surgical techniques are used to release your plantar fascia, remove heel spurs, or make any other essential repairs necessary to restore your quality of life.

For Questions or Appointments, Call 602.952.8111